Your Cost Effective, High Performance Floor Mat Solution

Due to the principal’s association and experience in the floor covering industry for over 40 years, it was recognised that a need existed for a proper entrance mat system – a system which would effectively reduce and prevent dust and dirt from entering buildings and damaging the floor finishes resulting in early replacement and increased maintenance costs.

There was also a need to improve Indoor Air Quality. Once dust and other particulate matter enters a facility, they quickly spread throughout and what is not removed usually circulates in the air.

Kex Limited was established in January 2005 in order to address some of these common, recurring problems and in response to a need for an effective and trouble-free solution for Facilities Managers.

For a nominal monthly service fee, the client is supplied with a commercial / industrial grade entrance floor mat. No purchase is necessary. The mat is collected on a scheduled (monthly or fortnightly) basis and is immediately replaced with a clean and functional mat at the same time of the service. Our service ensures that they are cleaned properly and on a regular basis, so that they are always effective and functional.


What our clients are saying about our service

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